One Tuesday, No Doubt released their first full-length album in over a decade, Push And Shove. This album has been greatly anticipated by both their fanbase and a generally nostalgic public. Yes, in 2012, nostalgia happens fast!
I’ve been a casual No Doubt fan for some time. I have a very ’90s memory of buying a scratched-up copy of Tragic Kingdom in a thrift store, and I really enjoyed Return of Saturn and Rock Steady too. Although I thought their albums could be a little patchy at times, I’ve really enjoyed a lot of their music over the years and I was looking forward to hearing their latest effort. Considering the ever-evolving face of music, I was really curious to see how their sound would hold up and what new influences they would take on board with this album.
Overall, I think Push And Shove is a lot of fun – I’ve really enjoyed my first few listens and I can tell this is one that will continue to grow on me as I play it. There are some very classic-sounding No Doubt songs on here, such as the title track “Push And Shove” and “Sparkle”, that have incorporated their trademark sound with a current recording approach that works quite nicely. The album’s first single, “Settle Down”, is a fun track, although I felt maybe it was a little long, clocking in at 6 minutes. It didn’t grab me instantly the way other No Doubt singles have in the past, although I enjoy it – I think this record as a whole is catchy, but might take a little more time to really get into.
I will say that this album feels milder to me than other No Doubt efforts, lacking the driving riffs of earlier work like “Ex-Girlfriend” or “Hella Good”, for example. Like much of the contemporary charts, Push And Shove feels more electronic rather than instrument-driven, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just different. I do think this record has done a good job of updating the band’s sound in an appropriate way, and I really love some of the fun ’80s electronic throwbacks in songs like “Heaven”. I like the overall sound and love how consistent the album is – the only thing that’s really missing for me is some strong, front-and-center guitar riffs. That, however, is an issue I have with many Top 40 efforts this year!
No Doubt Push And Shove Track Listing:
1. Settle Down
2. Looking Hot
3. One More Summer
4. Push And Shove
5. Easy
6. Gravity
7. Undercover
8. Undone
9. Sparkle
10. Heaven
11. Dreaming The Same Dream
No Doubt Push And Shove is available on iTunes now – click here to get the album now! I received an MP3 copy of this album for the purposes of this review.
Ok, I had to just go over to iTunes and take a listen to the title track. Gotta say I kinda DO like it!
I actually loved some of the old stuff like the Rock Steady (and I am a country gal at heart) I am going to go listen to the music and see if I like their new album. 🙂 Thanks for the review
I’ve always been a No Doubt fan & am so excited they finally have new music!
oh, i kind of dig it too! i may order this too…my husband LOVES this music. maybe i’ll surprise him.
I’m going to have to go also and listen because I have never heard of their music. Great review!
I love No Doubt and have been awaiting there newest album..so excited its here finally!
Oh, oh, I LOVE No Doubt! Super excited about this.
Thanks for the info. I am getting tired of my current playlist, I might have to check this out!
I like some of their songs, haven’t heard an of the new ones.
I agree with your review. I was a pretty big Tragic Kingdom fan, and touch and go with the other albums. I was excited to hear they were putting out a new album, can’t wait to check it out!
I hadn’t heard of them before so I need to check them out. It seems like they have quite a fan base.
I’m so excited to hear their new stuff, i’m a huge fan